From November 2016 to January 2017 Jupiter in Libra will perform an interesting astrological dance. Jupiter in Libra is symbolizing the process of Alchemical Union of opposites reflected into our relationships. Even if we are single, the focus is still on how we relate with what we feel as opposite to us.
Each one of you are created in the likeness of our Father Mother God. As our divine parents, they are pure and all-encompassing with unconditional love. Your soul essence is longing to feel and express this level of love as your inner reflection becomes a transparent projection into your outer world.
Celestínske proroctvá - 12 vhľadov
The Celestine Prophecies - 12 insights 1. Kritické množstvo Dochádza k novému duchovnému prebúdzaniu v ľudskej civilizácii, k prebúdzaniu spôsobenému tým, že kritické množstvo jedincov prežíva svoj život ako duchovný vývoj, ako cestu, po ktorej nás vedú záhadné náhody. 1. A Critical Mass A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences. Through a deceptive Interdimensional Intervention, Humanity has been disconnected from the Source, and downgraded, that he may be enslaved within the matrix of society. But now the divine light is shining in his heart again, the human soul is healing and through the activation of Kundalini, reconnecting fully with the Source.
Learning to See Truth in Today’s Complex World:
A new time is upon us as the many challenges of today’s world escalate and cry out for healing. What is needed now is concerted action on the part of each individual, to join together with others to create positive change in the world. This is not always as easy as it sounds, for the problems we face individually and collectively are multi-layered, and the process of attempting to create positive change activates many forces that oppose change. There is a turning point where the transitional pressure becomes so strong, and we have lost any hope of having any control over it, that we burst in and out of control with giddy laughter at all the things that have caused us so much pain. The cosmic relief valve is coming! And when it does, we can embrace all the challenges, and celebrate all the victories that we have achieved as we have traveled through this quagmire of transformation.
The one of a kind Full Moon at 22 degrees Taurus takes place Monday, November 14th (14:53 CET). You’re going to be seeing a lot written about this Moon, not just because it is also a Supermoon -occuring at perigee- but also because it’s the largest Full Moon Supermoon since 1948; we won’t see one this visibly huge again until 2034!
Don’t you feel it in your bones? In the blood that runs through your veins? Don’t you hear it in the whisper’s of the wind in your ears and the warmth of the sun’s rays? The energy of change. Of transformation. It’s here now. It is happening. The breaking down of the old to make room for the new. The people are awakening and rising up saying NO MORE.
The New Earth is being anchored into collective consciousness by a record number of souls incarnating who hold the blueprint to transcend the limiting beliefs of physical-based realities while in physical form. These souls shine a bright light on the Earth plane. They bring awareness to old, outdated beliefs and ways of being. Human rights, animal rights, and care of the environment are at the top of their agenda for this timeframe.
Do you notice or even feel frustrated because the supplements, medicines, diets, and modalities that seem to work for other people don’t work for you? Do you do what most would consider “all the right things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?”
My wonderful, loving child; you will make mistakes. Some of them will have you blushing with embarrassment, cringing with shame or quietly crying over the pain you have caused. I am here to tell you that it is okay! (Smiling) For every mistake you make, there is an opportunity for you to learn how to make things different, better and right. Do not be hard on yourself….. you are human and chose your human existence to learn and grow. You are doing just fine, my Love! ~ Creator
Moje báječné, oddané dieťa; budeš robiť chyby. Niektoré z nich ťa prinútia červenať sa v rozpakoch, prikrčiť sa od hanby, alebo ticho plakať nad bolesťou, ktorú si spôsobil. Som tu, aby som ti povedal, že to je v poriadku! (Usmieva sa) Každá chyba, ktorú spravíš, je príležitosťou pre teba, naučiť sa, ako robiť veci inak, lepšie a správne. Nebuď tvrdý na seba ..... ty si človek a vybral si si svoju ľudskú existenciu, aby si sa učil a rástol. Vedieš si dobre, láska moja! ~ Stvoriteľ |
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