“Purification of body, mind, soul and spirit is the key. All must be cleansed and purified. As above, so below. As within, so without. Accept responsibility as a part of the body of the Mother Sophia for the state the world is in.” ~Ahtayaa Leigh Our fears are not real. They are mind parasites. However, if we give them our belief, they have the power to create a distorted reality through our body vehicles, and this is how archons (mind parasites) manifest in the material world.
Everything is mind. We create with the mind. Many humans have mind parasites that hijack the creative process to create fearful situations at all levels that then feed the parasitic archons, the fake rulers of our planet. It is my wish for every sentient being locked in this fear-based society to see the truth of what it is that controls them. Nothing but a weak, pathetic, soul-less, power-less parasite that must be crushed. Fear has no real power, but it can fool you as it can create illusion through you because it is YOU that is powerful! As an awakening soul on the path, do not be fooled into believing that lower vibrational entities do not exist, for they do exist both within you and without you, and this is why we see evil in the world in this timeline at least. It is the timeline we are changing. As more Light from the heavenly realms of the Most High God pours forth into the solar system, it is time to start recognizing your power and responsibility to ground this Light and to activate the hearts and souls of those that sleep. You have the power to initiate massive global healing, but you must recognize this holy power, and you must walk through the door where fear may not tread. Purification of body, mind, soul and spirit is the key. All must be cleansed and purified. As above, so below. As within, so without. Accept responsibility as a part of the body of the Mother Sophia for the state the world is in. There is no one being that is more responsible than another for we are all part of Sophia while we are incarnated here. Without accepting this responsibility, how can we be free and sovereign? Source: https://dreamingwithdolphins.com/2016/10/27/ahtayaa-leigh-mind-parasites-and-purification/ |
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