Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering — and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy — we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go:
We are at the threshold of the Autumn Equinox, another magical moment of this hyper-intense September, a month we can be grateful to experience despite the stress, because it was created by the Divine Order as a marking point between the old and the new, between the old selves, our overt and stereotyped patterns and the new ever-flowing process of transformation, which has always been there, but hidden and unconscious, not even being noticed enough to give it a place inside of us.
Fifth dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy. Each relationship is an investment in the people, places, and kingdoms of nature that are being interconnected. The unconditional loving from which fifth dimensional relationships emerge creates change by offering an environment in which the opportunities for evolutionary development are gracefully accessed and successfully utilized by all involved.
15/9/2016 September 16… Full Harvest Moon In Pisces And Lunar Eclipse! A Time To Harvest LoveRead NowThere have been so many celestial movements these weeks, to which correspond many impulses that many of us feel in wanting to follow a stream of change that has already started heavily. The first strong move occurred on September 10 and it was the passage of Jupiter in Libra, transit that will last until October 2017. This corresponds to a general relaxation and greater peace of mind because it ends the inner tension between the desire to be daring and fear, that too much caution and prudence have created.
Open Vortex Starts
I do love the way the universe works with coincidences, on the 9th of the 9th 2016 which is in numerology terms 9+9+9 = 27-2+7=9. Starts the beginning movement of the vortex, created by beings outside of our universe. Using the shifts in cosmic energies at this time to open a gateway for star beings to enter our universe. The time has come, human consciousness has shifted enough for the light and truth to reveal itself. I AM a self sustained 5D being! I AM living in a 5D reality. 5D is the way of my being! I AM free and not in need! I AM free from attachments and I need only my own energy to perform my tasks! I AM free and I do not recognize any authority above me! I AM my own authority. I AM God having a human experience for a while! I AM pure multidimensional awesomeness and my intention is to live my Higher nature here on Earth fully, without asking for permission or approval! I AM an infinite being with no labels, restrictions and obligations! I AM living in my power, without giving it away. I AM safe because nothing and no one can prevent me from experiencing happiness. I AM powerful beyond measure, I can clearly recognize and accept that being powerful is safe and my birthright because it helps me to stay in my sacred safe space. I AM worthy and I do not need to prove it to others, so I stop to seek for external validation and approval. I AM my Highest Self now. I AM God.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo takes place on Thursday, September 1st, 4:03 AM Central Standard Time. It is an annular solar eclipse, meaning it will create the visible coronal ring (“ring of fire”) most people associate with eclipses. Like any new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle.
We are aware that while the planet is under going a shift to a higher frequency that, because she is a living moving energy system, all who reside within her energy fields will also experience this realignment. Consequently I would like to cover in this article two issues.
Firstly what many are experiencing naturally as the planet undergoes her transformation which is what is termed the ‘Creation of the Lightbody‘. We are having Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Aquarius on August 18th (9:26am Universal Time). This one is a penumbral lunar eclipse which is when the Moon is just outside of the Earth’s shadow (umbra). Penumbral eclipses cause either a very subtle dimming or are not visually perceivable at all depending on how close it is to the shadow/umbra. This particular one is barely considered an eclipse and will not be visually noticeable anywhere in the world.
It happens often that we see these numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55, while watching the clock or that these same numbers to appear in the most unexpected places. What does it all mean? Seeing more and more the master numbers, or a series of double or triple numbers, and the frequency with which this happens is accelerating, to the point that now we can no longer speak of a simple coincidence. The phenomenon is coming to gigantic proportions, and everyone agrees on the fact that there is a deeper meaning, a coded message for us that comes from the spiritual world.
As the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension. In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience. However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience. Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well.
We have all been receiving huge planetary downloads in recent months and the biggest is yet to come with the opening of the Stargate or Lionsgate portal on August 8th 2016. Things in our lives may have shifted and we may be feeling unsure or uncertain of what’s ahead. Lionsgate opens every year on August 8th to the 12th, when the Sun is in Leo and is marked by the star Sirius moving closer to earth and aligning in Orion’s belt, which perfectly syncs up with the Pyramids in Giza.
There are many things designed (consciously or otherwise) to keep you in fear. It is completely up to you to choose to stay in that fear or to realize on a very deep level that you are protected, cared for, loved, supported and cherished by The Universe. Even though there were times where you did not feel it, it has always been and always will be there just for you. Focus on that Love and the rest will take care of itself. ~ Creator
Existuje veľa vecí navrhnutých (vedome alebo nie) tak, aby si bol držaný v strachu. Je úplne na tebe, či sa rozhodneš zostať v tomto strachu, alebo zistíš hlboko v sebe, že si chránený. je o teba postarané, si milovaný, podporovaný a uctievaný Vesmírom. I keď boli časy, keď si to necítil, bolo to tu vždy a vždy to tu pre teba bude. Zameraj sa na túto Lásku a zvyšok sa postará sám. ~ Stvoriteľ There are people who make the transition in a relatively gentle way, but there are many who experience a crisis when this happens. These are usually the people who have chosen to open up to the higher dimensions. This choice is not made logically by the rational mind, but is rather a soul choice made in response to the available transitional energies of the Earth herself
You may have been feeling lately that, to advance spiritually, you will need to leave behind all that is familiar, comfortable and safe. In the past, when the consciousness level of your Earth plane was lower, that may have been true, but not today…. not in this moment.
Yes, there will be some people that fall away from your existence because they choose not to grow, but do not let that stop you! You manifested here, in this time and in this place to assist the raising of vibration of humankind. Please do not turn your back your ‘work’. You will not be left alone or abandoned because there is a multitude doing the very same thing! This time, this now is the most important thing that has ever happened and you are needed! ~ Creator Možno si nedávno cítil, že na to aby si duchovne rástol, budeš musieť opustiť všetko, čo je známe, pohodlné a bezpečné. V minulosti, keď úroveň vedomia Zeme bola nižšia, mohla to byť pravda, ale nie dnes .... nie v tomto okamihu. Áno, budú nejakí ľudia, ktoré odídu z tvojho života, pretože nechcú rásť, ale nenechaj sa tým zastaviť! Ty si sa prejavil tu v tomto okamihu a na tomto mieste, aby si sa podieľal na zvyšovaní vibrácií ľudstva. Prosím neobracaj chrbát svojej "práci". Nezostaneš sám alebo opustený, pretože veľké množstvo ďalších robí presne to isté! Tentoraz, teraz je to najdôležitejšia vec, ktorá sa nikdy predtým nestala a ty si potrebný! ~ Stvoriteľ Make every waking moment, everything you do and every breath you take an act of prayer, love, gratitude and thankfulness to The Universe. Therein will you find your true peace. ~ Creator
Urob každý bdelý okamih, všetko čo robíš, každé tvoje nadýchnutie, činom modlitby, lásky, vďačnosti a vďaky k Vesmíru. V tom nájdeš svoj skutočný mier. ~ Stvoriteľ Začína sa nová doba v histórii Európy a západného sveta. Teraz sa začnú diať veci. Dotkne sa to nevyhnutne aj nás, Slovákov a Čechov. Trochu to nadľahčím (lebo nemusí to byť úplne bezbolestné), ale spravme si pukance a sledujme čo sa bude diať. Predpokladám, že budú skutočný BREXIT naťahovať ako sa bude dať. Uvidíme. Držme si palce!
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