Získávat informace o fungování tohoto uměle vytvořeného, iluzorního světa je nezbytné, ale nesmíme dopustit, aby se nám dostávaly pod kůži. A navíc – informace jsou jen jeden dílek mozaiky. Probuzení jako takové je v první řadě velmi osobní zkušenost, kterou nelze vtělit do sebevětšího množství informací.
To the Few Whom This Concerns:
Re: The deliberate subjugation of our people and planet While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents and most of all the dark shadow forces behind you, that we know full well comprise and empower the destructive global power grid, that are responsible for our current engineered crises and overall social condition. If you want a reality check on the events in Paris, watch political author Gearoid O Colmain grilling the ridiculous official narratives on the Paris attacks in 10 minutes. You won’t see this kind of journalism in the Western propaganda media. In just 10 minutes he brings out the truth that France is knee deep in Syrian evil as well as funding other Western made terrorist groups in Africa and the Middle East.
It’s been a wild couple of months in economics and geopolitics. We’ve seen chess moves that have changed the dynamics in global power for the positive of humanity, as well as those which are only barely maintaining the status structure. It’s definitely reaching a do-or-die state of affairs for all involved. As a contextual overview, there is a shadow war taking place. A western cabal, driven primarily by US and Israeli forces, have been in power for dozens of decades (you can read about it in depth here, as well as some but not all of the most powerful families here). Fortunately though, they are slowing losing grip on their monopoly of control. Well, well, well, aren’t we seeing a massive turnaround of late. Putin was so sharp, calm and truthful at the UN and other recent speeches and interviews compared to the same old Amerikan false bravado diatribe it was like having a clean shower after swimming through a cesspool. And the whole free world feels the same. What I admire about him is his cool demeanor and very artful tact in how he approaches massively sensitive subjects. He has to cloak it in “diplomati-speak” of course to reach the type of audience within those bound up layers of communication, but he does it masterfully. You don’t sense the BS factor and full on propagandized deception you get from the Obamaramadingdong script reading puppet. Don’t people even think anymore? How can they swallow this wholesale engineered fabricated snowstorm of distorted disinformation and not see through it? Just look squarely at this instantly appearing, highly sophisticated, fully mobile in flashy new vehicles, heavily armored ISIS machine. They’re a well supplied and coordinated organization of a supposedly bunch of radicalized Islamic rebels, pulling recruits out of the war torn rubble of a devastated Middle East almost overnight. And the supply of not just weapons but the coordination of very difficult food, water and medical logistics. by Zen Gardner It appears we’re hitting that infamous tipping point in many arenas of late. So much is getting revealed and reaching the collective consciousness as the truth manifests. Remember, to finally tip a scale it just needs that last grain of sand to completely reverse perceived reality in the mass mind. Just look at not just the grains, but the flood tide of truth being released into the public mental, spiritual, economic and political domains, never mind the profound vibrational morphic field shifts with so many souls awakening in a whole range of areas. It’s astounding. There’s still a lot to be done but the landscape is changing fast. No doubt the external world situation grows more direful by the day, but it’s important for people to be able to identify these powerful shifts now taking place for their own encouragement and inspiration. While the forces of abuse and control seem to be making monstrous strides toward their end game, their machinations are becoming more obvious and clearly malicious. As people are able to step back and identify the fact that their world is a completely manipulated one they shed their fear of it and soon find their true spiritual and consciously aware footing. This is the very definition of empowerment and drastically weakens the power structure’s control over people’s minds. As a result the flame of true freedom grows brighter continually, further propelling humanity’s awakening and empowerment. The Alternative Mosquito SwarmEvery email, every blog, every website, every post, every conversation, every independent media outlet broadcasting the truth is a massively powerful influence towards turning the tide in the perception of our world and hence its actual operation. It happens one seemingly small act at a time, but it’s spreading like wildfire, in spite of the doubts of naysayers and and even alternative cynics. Doubt is akin to fear, and its end result is apathy; i.e. disempowerment and inaction. It’s similar to one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated in the heart of mankind. “After all, what can little me do to make any kind of difference that matters? I’m just one little person.” The absolute opposite of the truth. As the oft used expression goes; “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.” Now picture multiple swarms of truth-bearing mosquitoes, replicating as they go. Can’t you just see the wicked minions in assumptive power fleeing their pretentious little bastions of lies and pompous superficial sandcastles as a result of such an onslaught? Absolutely glorious! The Power of the Awakening FactorFew realize the power of change, whether it be conscious awareness or fundamental knowledge tools. What we have been handed is a very limited viewpoint that needs continual challenging, especially once we become aware of the vast social engineering programs. Researchers have discovered a very powerful dynamic in our social milieu, something we know in our hearts to be true but sometimes it’s good to have it affirmed by so-called scientific evidence. Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals. “When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority,” said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.” Pretty damn powerful, and personally empowering. Turning TidesJust look how the ISIS “terror” operation cover has been blown open for what it truly is, a ploy masterminded and funded by cooperative surreptitious interests out to destabilize and control the Middle East and beyond. This recent attack on Yemen by Saudi Arabia, of all despotic nation states, is another massive blip on the radar, as if that fascist state is interested in representative rule, all with the full on backing of Israel, the US and NATO. And into another spectrum, how about the moon mission being thoroughly debunked as NASA admits they can’t pass the Van Allen radiation belt? This fact has been known for a long time but is now evident to all. Not only the whole space program, but all of the information coming from NASA all these years comes into question. |
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