Začína sa nová doba v histórii Európy a západného sveta. Teraz sa začnú diať veci. Dotkne sa to nevyhnutne aj nás, Slovákov a Čechov. Trochu to nadľahčím (lebo nemusí to byť úplne bezbolestné), ale spravme si pukance a sledujme čo sa bude diať. Predpokladám, že budú skutočný BREXIT naťahovať ako sa bude dať. Uvidíme. Držme si palce!
If you want a reality check on the events in Paris, watch political author Gearoid O Colmain grilling the ridiculous official narratives on the Paris attacks in 10 minutes. You won’t see this kind of journalism in the Western propaganda media. In just 10 minutes he brings out the truth that France is knee deep in Syrian evil as well as funding other Western made terrorist groups in Africa and the Middle East.
![]() Top Documentary Films – The Untold History of The US. The Bush and Obama Age of Terror by Oliver Stone In it, Oliver Stone and his collaborators focus on the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush administration. The Film presents how many American lives were lost as well as the torture incidents that American soldiers were involved in. As for the conspiracies involved, it also presents the personal motive of Bush was more of a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein rather than catching the terrorists who were guilty of the September 11 attacks in New York. Added to that, it also tries to portray how the Bush administration attempted to manipulate the terror warnings to the Americans to fulfill their political motives. ![]() It’s been a wild couple of months in economics and geopolitics. We’ve seen chess moves that have changed the dynamics in global power for the positive of humanity, as well as those which are only barely maintaining the status structure. It’s definitely reaching a do-or-die state of affairs for all involved. As a contextual overview, there is a shadow war taking place. A western cabal, driven primarily by US and Israeli forces, have been in power for dozens of decades (you can read about it in depth here, as well as some but not all of the most powerful families here). Fortunately though, they are slowing losing grip on their monopoly of control. ![]() Vladimir Putin has come center stage lately. For several years I have been looking at his astrology, and how it relates to the astrology of the USA, and have seen this moment coming for quite some time. As many of us know by now, in the past five years we have been passing through the square of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, which is a slow and grinding transformation of humanity and planet earth. Seven times the two planets made exact squares to each other as they have slowly moved ahead, with retrograde motion included. This configuration represents the revolution in consciousness that has been happening, they are the planets of revolution, and every time they contact one another there is some kind of revolutionary activity in the world. When they were conjunct last, they were in Virgo, in the late 60s, which was a time of deep turmoil as they began a new cycle with each other. ![]() Well, well, well, aren’t we seeing a massive turnaround of late. Putin was so sharp, calm and truthful at the UN and other recent speeches and interviews compared to the same old Amerikan false bravado diatribe it was like having a clean shower after swimming through a cesspool. And the whole free world feels the same. What I admire about him is his cool demeanor and very artful tact in how he approaches massively sensitive subjects. He has to cloak it in “diplomati-speak” of course to reach the type of audience within those bound up layers of communication, but he does it masterfully. You don’t sense the BS factor and full on propagandized deception you get from the Obamaramadingdong script reading puppet. ![]() Have you heard of “the global goals”? If you haven’t heard of them by now, rest assured that you will be hearing plenty about them in the days ahead. On September 25th, the United Nations launched a set of 17 ambitious goals that it plans to achieve over the next 15 years. A new website to promote this plan has been established, and you can find it right here. The formal name of this new plan is “the 2030 Agenda“, but those behind it decided that they needed something catchier when promoting these ideas to the general population. The UN has stated that these new “global goals” represent a “new universal Agenda” for humanity. Virtually every nation on the planet has willingly signed on to this new agenda, and you are expected to participate whether you like it or not.Some of the biggest stars in the entire world have been recruited to promote “the global goals”. Just check out the YouTube video that I have posted below. This is the kind of thing that you would expect from a hardcore religious cult… ![]() Don’t people even think anymore? How can they swallow this wholesale engineered fabricated snowstorm of distorted disinformation and not see through it? Just look squarely at this instantly appearing, highly sophisticated, fully mobile in flashy new vehicles, heavily armored ISIS machine. They’re a well supplied and coordinated organization of a supposedly bunch of radicalized Islamic rebels, pulling recruits out of the war torn rubble of a devastated Middle East almost overnight. And the supply of not just weapons but the coordination of very difficult food, water and medical logistics. 1/9/2015 Benjamin Fulford - September 1st 2015: A small scale military operation would be enough to remove the Khazarian cabal from power - FULL ARTICLERead Now![]() Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September In September the leaders of the current world system are planning many changes. Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Pope, Russian President Vladimir Putin and others will be visiting the US in September ostensibly to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the UN. The leaders are also promising to announce many reforms including making a promise to end poverty and stop environmental destruction by 2030. There are also plans to include the Chinese yuan into the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights or SDR currency. The Pope is also planning to issue an encyclical officially committing Catholic Christianity to environmental protection. 25/8/2015 Benjamin Fulford - August 24th 2015: A review of the current alliances of secret societies and visible power centers - FULL ARTICLERead Now![]() Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Emergency news updates will only appear if necessary. Regular reporting will resume in September. In preparation for what is sure to be a busy autumn, now is a good time to review the world’s secret and public power structures and alliances. In order to provide value added to subscribers, this report will be based mainly on first-hand experience with various secret societies and public power structures. 19/8/2015 Everything is Fake - Top 40 of Fakery in Our World - Všetko je falošné - TOP 40 podvodov v našom sveteRead Now![]() Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world. Všetko je falošné v našej dnešnej spoločnosti - alebo aspoň veľmi veľa sa veci je. Náš svet je plný neuveriteľného množstva lží, podvodov, dezinformácií, klamstiev, fasád, preludov, propagandy a vymývania mozgov. Dobrá vec však je, že akonáhle sa prebudíte z tohto klamstva, môžete ho použiť ako nástroj pre zvýšenie vášho vedomia. Predstava, že prakticky všetko je falošné môže byť skôr posilňujúca než deprimujúca. Iste, všetci sme sa cítili ohromení, smutný, nahnevaný a impotentný v čase, keď sme videli, ako ľahko naši (ne)vodcovia môžu oklamať masy so sofistikovanou a prázdnou rétorikou, ale všetko bolo pripravené preto, aby bolo pre nás výzvou prebudiť sa rýchlejšie a úplne, a získať späť náš svet. Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today: 18/8/2015 Benjamin Fulford - August 18, 2015: The battle for the planet earth is entering a decisive phase this autumn - FULL ARTICLERead Now![]() Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September Once again the autumn season is expected to bring turbulence and power struggles to a new intensity as the September 30th accounting deadline looms. The question for the cabal is what sort of horse trading, threats and compromises will be made by the cabal in order to kick the can down the road and keep their fraudulent power structure intact. The question for the rest of us is how can we finally put a permanent end to their nightmarish debt slavery regime. In order to prepare for the autumn campaign it will be useful to review the battle so far in order to identify what needs to be done next. The best place to start is to look back at the events of September 11th, 2001 and start there. What we saw there was a fascist coup d’etat against US democracy that was carried out by the same group that lost World War 2 and plotted revenge ever since that time. |
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