Each one of you are created in the likeness of our Father Mother God. As our divine parents, they are pure and all-encompassing with unconditional love. Your soul essence is longing to feel and express this level of love as your inner reflection becomes a transparent projection into your outer world. There is a spark in your heart that is ever-ready to ignite and ablaze with your discovery of self-love. As you uncover the layers that have kept you from realizing this deep desire from within, it will become more evident. The love you have wished for, dreamt of, or longed to experience has always been contained within your very own heart and has just been sitting dormant, awaiting for your acknowledgment and ability to establish this truth into your physical awareness.
Love is the Universal language that ALL are able to tap into and recognize. Love, as the most powerful energy in existence, has a call frequency and vibration that has the ability to heal, nurture, and bring joy to all in its path. Since energy is unable to be destroyed, it has the capability to build upon itself, and spread, until love becomes ever abundant and free-flowing in your energy fields. Just as love is a powerful light, it will begin to fill in all of the crevasses of darkness, the more you let the love and light in. As you begin to open yourself up more and more to the love you feel for yourself, you will also be open to receive love from others. As your consciousness begins to increase, your divine path will become clear to you. Your intuitive soul-guidance will lead you to focus inward initially, to discover the importance of self-love in order to ascend and evolve. Once you have learned that valuable truth and your heart has been activated, you are on your way to further enlightenment. Your outer world will undoubtedly begin to change since you have modified your self-perception. The Universal Laws will come into play as “like attracts like” and the “energy of intention” emanating from your being, so that love will be attracted to you, and will become your reality in the physical realm to experience. Do you see how self-love is essential and the absolute key to opening up all possibilities of more love, peace, and joy? It is of the utmost importance that you understand that you have the ability to manifest what ever life and reality you choose. Rather than looking outward for change, look inward and BE the change you wish to see. As humanity begins to awaken further and apply this truth, we will begin to see the much desired change in our outer world since we are all connected as ONE, with similar hopes and dreams for a brighter future. ~Adeana M. Slater Source: https://dreamingwithdolphins.com/2016/12/03/adeana-m-slater-how-love-will-change-the-world/ |
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