There are many things designed (consciously or otherwise) to keep you in fear. It is completely up to you to choose to stay in that fear or to realize on a very deep level that you are protected, cared for, loved, supported and cherished by The Universe. Even though there were times where you did not feel it, it has always been and always will be there just for you. Focus on that Love and the rest will take care of itself. ~ Creator Existuje veľa vecí navrhnutých (vedome alebo nie) tak, aby si bol držaný v strachu. Je úplne na tebe, či sa rozhodneš zostať v tomto strachu, alebo zistíš hlboko v sebe, že si chránený. je o teba postarané, si milovaný, podporovaný a uctievaný Vesmírom. I keď boli časy, keď si to necítil, bolo to tu vždy a vždy to tu pre teba bude. Zameraj sa na túto Lásku a zvyšok sa postará sám. ~ Stvoriteľ |
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