Behold the beauty of your Earth plane existence! Yes, there will be bumps and bruises, scrapes and falls. But, through it all, there are moments of wonder and awe and excitement as well as peace and joy because you are here doing what you are doing, learning what you are learning and growing at a quantum rate. From the Universal perspective there is nothing more beautiful than you! Pozoruj krásu tvojej pozemskej existencie! Áno, budú hrbole, modriny, odreniny a pády. Ale cez to všetko, existujú okamihy údivu, úžasu a vzrušenia, ako aj mieru a radosti, pretože si tu aby si robil to, čo robíš, učil sa to, čo sa učíš a rástol kvantovou rýchlosťou. Z univerzálneho hľadiska nie je nič krajšie, ako ty! |
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