![]() Have you been feeling an energetic burst of energy lately for no apparent reason? If so, you’re not alone! Many people have been experiencing an energetic burst of energy and are unsure of what it is attributed to. It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or it might be the energy being sent from the galactic center of our galaxy. Another possibility is the energy is being sent from one of our galactic neighbors, such as the Arcturians who are not allowed to physically interfere with our race, due to the Law of Free Will, but can energetically assist in the awakening of our planet. The energies may also be associated with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and will remain there until 2023. Pluto, known as the “Destroyer”, tears down that which is not in humanity’s best interests, which explains why we are seeing a collapse of money, religion and government. For many people, Pluto in Capricorn will bring out the dark night of the soul, in which you receive the opportunity to purge energies that are no longer beneficial to you, but in order to do this, these energies need to be positively transmuted or else they will continue to recur until these lessons are learned. For those who have been working on raising their vibrations, the incoming energies will be that much stronger. Even if you are still going through the dark night of the soul, these energies will be uplifting and will help you get through a difficult, yet beneficial, purging of old energies. When an energy shift happens, your body literally aligns itself with the incoming energy, creating a frequency that resonates all the way down to your cellular DNA. It’s almost like being on a natural high without the use of any illicit substances. For some people, the initial onset of these energies may have been draining as the body adjusted to new frequencies but within a few days, you probably transmuted any energetic effects from these energies and are now feeling fully recharged and energized.
If you are still feeling a little “off kilter”, then you may also want to experiment with selenite if you need help cleansing your aura or clearing all energy blockages. You will notice an uplifting feeling around family and friends who are feeling these energies and despite the mainstream media pushing its fear propaganda, you feel resistant to any negative energies as if they don’t even exist. You may also experience a decrease in appetite and the need for less sleep. Now is the perfect time to practice manifesting what you want out of life because when you feel this good, only good things can happen! Believe in yourself and your abilities. You are much stronger and more powerful than you can possibly imagine! SOurce: http://in5d.com/are-you-feeling-the-new-energies/ |
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